Stroopwafel, chocolate or cheddar

Yuandi creates and sells popcorn Student Yuandi sells self-made popcorn with peculiar flavors. There is more to the business than you might think: “We have experimented for three years before we were satisfied.” “Stroopwafel is our unique a ...

Everyone is hooked on Podcasts

Podcasts are popular. You decide when you listen and there’s a podcast for every existing topic. Two Windesheim students talk about this new medium. ‘Do you approve of the war in Yemen? Journalism students Bjorn Struijlaart and Max Berendse ...

My Outfit: ‘As cute as a nightmare’

WIN is fond of students with special outfits. Today: Marjorie, first-year student of the Teacher Education in English study programme. How would you describe your style?“Yami Kawaii, that is Japanese for ‘as cute as a nightmare.’ The Japane ...

‘Try to find a partner who is as good as he is!’

Windesheim student Kristina moved to Italy to maintain her dancing career She combines a study on Windesheim with her Latin dancing career in Bologna, Italy. As if that isn’t enough, Kristina Dejnega (21) also flies to Cyprus to see her dan ...

No new buildings needed

The campus will become more beautiful and greener in the coming years. The D building will be demolished in 2022. In its place a building with only one floor will be built, underneath the raised ground that will be extended from the T build ...

Balancing on concrete blocks

‘Of course you fall sometimes’ Student Teacher Education in Physical Education Dyan Evenhuis practices biketrial: overcoming a parkour of obstacles on a bike. “It seems like a physical sport, but you mostly have to be mentally strong.” You ...

Why Europe?

The European elections are often far away and of no concern to citizens. Last time only one out of six young adults voted. However, there are also Windesheim students who find Europe very important. Marie: ‘In Brussel I got the EU fever’ Ma ...

Discussion future of BSR continues

Hopefully an agreement today The CPC wants to limit the Binding Study Recommendation experiments to the division BML (Business, Media and Law) and ‘right of consent’ for the study programme committees. The Executive Board disagr ...

Agency for student coaching

More cooperation for guidance of first years and student who come from Vocational Education Social Work teachers are setting up a student coaching agency for the whole university where all peer guidance can come together. The agency wants t ...

Study programs are satisfied with matching days

Senior students are deployed more often now. It appears that half of the future students visit the matching days at Windesheim. The study programs are positive about the first meetings, that were held instead of the Studychoice Check. The m ...

Central Participation Council declines BSR-experimentation

Central Participation Council declines BSR-experimentationProposal from the Executive Board would be insufficiently thought through The Executive Board wants to offer study programmes room for experimentation with regards to the Binding Stu ...

‘We are not criminal trash’

Photo text: Windesheim student Guus Kraus: “My sister once was rejected after a job interview because she was living on the trailer camp. Student Guus lives in a trailer camp What is it like to live on a trailer park complex? Windesheim stu ...

Repealing the binding study recommendation will not happen

‘Not the right means against dropping out’ The proposal to abolish the binding study recommendation has been rejected by the Central Participation Council. It is unclear whether the Education and Examination Regulations can be adjusted in a ...

Spanish Nina has butterfly disease

Nina (with the cap) and her caretakers Elise (second to the right) and Dina (left): “All the moments with her were beautiful.” Nursing students took care of her voluntarily The exchange student Nina Roma (27) suffers from a rare skin diseas ...

‘We also want an enormous W’

Windesheim acquires a new ‘communication concept’ The university of applied sciences requires a new strategic branding direction. For the last couple of months lots of work has been put into a new ‘concept.’ Communication manager Jeroen Kra ...

Council: ‘Don’t abolish binding recommendation’

The council works hard to keep the ‘binding advice’ The Executive Board wants an arrangement where not a single student will be sent away. Cor Niks, chairman of the Central Participation Council (CPC), thinks that plan is unwise. Cor Niks h ...

Shooter Bob aims at the Olympics

Photo: The image of shooting for sport isn’t very positive. In the Netherlands we are a bit afraid of weapons, says student Bob. ‘You have to be a bit arrogant’ First year student Bob Linders is an active participant in airgun shooting. Rec ...

Binding study recommendation has had his longest time

Student makes ‘education agreement ’ The BSA (binding study recommendation) will be abolished. No student will be sent away based on having ‘too little credits’ anymore. That is the core of a proposal that the Executive Board has presented ...