Tag Archives: Win-Poll

WIN-Poll(ing): It is too busy on campus

The hustle and bustle at Windesheim affects everyone differently, some students experience everything while the rest don’t notice anything. “I wouldn’t say it’s too busy at Windesheim, I think it’s all very wel ...

WIN-Poll(ing): Challenges, do you join them?

Eating a detergent capsule? Vacuum a shot glass on your lips? Are challenges on social media entertaining or dangerous? “I once participated in the cinnamon challenge, together with my brother. He turned completely red, because he felt like ...

WIN-Poll(ing): Are the nineties hot again for students?

Oversized coats and blow-dried haircuts! Back to the fashion of the 90s. Is it cool or horrible? “I think the 90s appeal to a lot of today’s students. Thin eyebrows, for example, are what many young people like. I think the hair of th ...

WIN-Poll(ing): Should unhealthy food become more expensive?

A healthy lifestyle is becoming increasingly important. Do we have to pay a different price for that? “There are far too many unhealthy choices for a low price. I hardly eat healthy at Windesheim, because it is easier and cheaper to buy a b ...

WIN-Poll(ing): Do you want to get summer-ready?

Summer is coming! Are students currently more concerned with being in shape, or not at all? “Yes, this summer I want to look good. That’s nice when you’re on the beach or at a festival. I make sure that I don’t eat too many calories, so lit ...

WIN-Poll(ing): To live on your own? Or rather not?

Due to the housing shortage, students continue to live at home with their parents for longer. Is that bad, or fun? “Living at home is nice and quiet. I could come home and immediately sit down at the table for dinner. That’s pure pampering, ...

WIN-Poll(ing): How English is becoming our language?

More often, we throw a word of English and sometimes even whole sentences through our Dutch. A logical development, or something that will blow over? “We speak more and more English, that just happens. It’s also because of social media. The ...

WIN-Poll(ing): What do you never buy online?

Ordering everything online is that normal for students? Or are there other things you would rather get in a real store? “I only prefer to buy clothes in a real store. Then you can take a good look at how it looks, feel and try to see if it ...

Win-Poll(ing): Your biggest blunder in Teams?

Online lessons via Teams and Zoom sometimes go a bit wrong. What was your most hilarious incident? “My classmate was in the car and wanted to listen in on part of the lesson. But his picture and sound were accidentally turned on. So we sudd ...