Listen to your DNA

Student Sander gives lifestyle advice through DNA test You only require a few cheek saliva swabs and student entrepreneur Sander Bast tells you if you run the risk of lack of vitamin C, if you are prone to obesity, or if you are sensitive t ...

‘ICT systems need to be better and simpler’

Criticism from unit participation council from the BMR division on ELO and DIBA The unit participation council from the Business, Media and Law division lists frustrations with ICT systems Digitally archiving and grading by means of the Ele ...

Windesheim in search of millions

Unexpected shorting from The Hague induce to strict procedures. The board found another one and a half million in budgetary cuts in the recent budget plan. The divisions Health and Social Work and Human Movement and Education must have a ba ...

Business, Media and Law to rearrange economic study programmes

New ‘croho’-list effective in september 2018 The economic study programmes are going to be rearranged nationally meaning that some studies will become a differentiation of a main study programme Several study programmes within Business, med ...

Upcoming months crucial for formation ‘Social Work’

The plan for the fusion needs to be clear soon Unit Participation Council will receive ‘much more information’  in December. Helprich ten Heuw: “getting out of your comfort zone is a good thing.” The division healthcare and social work is g ...

‘Wimps will not get far’

Bruises and painful spots: paintballing on the highest level Paintball is only fun for business trips and birthdays? Absolutely not, says student Thyrza Kiewik. It is a tough sport which she practises on a high level. “When you get hit you ...

52 students demand expenses back

Executive Board receives declaration forms Dozens of students paid unjust school costs. Executive Board member Jan Willem Meinsma is checking if a costless alternative was offered to students. The student members of the Central Participatio ...

Ten thousand downloads a day

Is Cublast the new Minecraft? HBO-ict student Stefan Dinkelberg developed Cublast, a game of skill for mobile phones. Soon a version for the Xbox will be released. Rolling and bouncing with a pink little ball as fast as possible through a w ...

Windesheim receives barely sufficient from review commission

Positive end to the era of Performance Agreements Windesheim did not make all the evaluations, but the final assessment is positive. Six Universities of Applied Sciences were assessed insufficient and subsidiaries are being reduced. Windesh ...

Earning money with scents

‘We want to become the Victor & Rolf of scent marketing’ The fact that we are being manipulated by picture and sound will not surprise anyone, but smell is also an element that can influence our (consumer) behaviour. And that is exactly ...

Journalism no longer a concern

‘Clear course and priorities’ After years study programme journalism scores ‘sufficient’ again according to ‘Keuzegids’. The new study concept ought to make the didactics more challenging. Journalism, the study programme that ended up in a ...

‘Leefbaar Lelystad’ wants million back

Opposition: ‘Windesheim does not keep its promises’ Teaching location for part-time and dual studies has not been realised. Rien Komen: “New plans for a logistics study.” Lelystad, in collaboration with Almere, Windesheim and the ministry, ...

New cuts for Windesheim

The University of Applied Sciences has to bring up 10 million in the coming years Government funding will probably be negatively revised Executive Board member Jan Willem Meinsma: students have to take action. Although the economy is starti ...

‘You run yourself to pieces sometimes’

Frisbee player Maurice wants to go to the Olympics Maurice van der Reest, student of the Christian Academy for Physical Education (CALO), is one of the highest level frisbee players in our nation and internationally. His dream? An Olympic m ...

Ambulatorium grows rapidly

Training for students appears to be great success Method wakes up interests of other universities of applied science. Coordinator Pim Hoek: “The results are very positive. The ‘Ambulatorium’, that offers help to students who have difficulti ...

Who will be the best teacher of 2016?

‘I can help people in their learning process’ •    The five nominees for the election ‘best teacher of the year’ have been announced today. •    The college newspaper gauged their visions on the new education concept. Michiel Visser (42), t ...
Student Rick damt op hoog niveau. “Doordat het zo’n strategisch spel is, leer ik vooruitdenken en methodisch handelen.”

Thinking at high level

‘Checkers is pure psychological warfare’ Who thinks checkers is just a simple children’s game, is wrong. It is an international sport with tournaments, championships and endless depth. Business administration student Rick Hakvoort plays che ...

Collaboration with Utrecht ‘on hold’

Consultations between both executive boards ended in a deadlock The announcement made by the executive board caused a lot of confusion. At the start of December the matter has to be settled. Utrecht seems to have made up their mind already. ...

Study programme committee elections

Divisions allowed to decide on participation –    New right of consent makes the committee much more important –    Divisions are allowed to decide for themselves whether they plan on participating in the elections in September. ...

Campus moves to Hanzeland

Extra costs around 1.5 million a year Possibly thirty percent of the educational spaces will be rented outside of the campus in the future. New master plan forecast: buildings E, F and G will be rented out to other corporates. The executive ...