Reorganisation Human Movement and Education going well

First two waves of measures practically finished

  • The unit participation council is very positive about the cooperation with the director.
  • Chair Cor Niks: ‘We still have a lot to do as unit participation council.’

Since the reorganisation is set in a number of waves, the decision-making also develops in waves. The first wave of the plan is now almost finished; the reorganisation is nearing the end of the second wave. 27 staff members needed to be replaced in the first wave. Last week was the last ‘placing wave’. Regarding the second wave, the unit participation council has recently agreed with the minor proposal. Niks: ‘At first some matters were unclear, but we have been given sufficient clarification and we now have a proposal which we could explain to the staff members.”

But a second decision is still to be made: ‘We haven’t approved the plan for Teacher Education in Physical Education (CALO). We have reacted very critically on this, and the board of directors will soon finish a new plan based on the feedback. The standpoint is fine, but we were unsatisfied with how it was implemented.’ Niks doesn’t like vague solutions. ‘As unit participation council, we don’t do “fine, if…’’ or “no, unless…’’. For us it’s either yes or no, to avoid trouble in hindsight.’

The participation council is very positive about the role of director Bert Meijer. But things go wrong as well. Niks: ‘Sometimes we notice minor flaws in the process. But the moment we see them (and we decide that it deserves serious attention) we can immediately ask Bart’s help and our experience tells us that those flaws are then always properly corrected.’

It has been restless in the domain for some time, and Niks predicts that this will not be the last time. ‘This is a very painful process for many staff members, with a lot of personal grief. Especially when it comes to replacements and the termination of their contract. At our request there is a possibility to discuss the decision at the personnel department  once more. I think we will need to organise more “care moments” as unit participation council.

Is the toughest part of the process rounded off? ‘Absolutely not. What we need to do after spring break is decide who is going to do what. The budget estimation is not done yet, what will the team earn? Can we keep everything in order? We still have a lot to do as unit participation council. (MH)



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