Tag Archives: Outfit

Outfits: ‘I like to play with clothes’

Neftali Betancourt (27), student at the Windesheim course Dutch as a Second Language (NT2) What clothes are typically Neftali? “I like to wear corsets and long skirts. A corset gives your body definition and it looks stylish. I always ...

Outfits: ‘One day a princess, the other day a pirate’

Sara Tilman (25) Senior student in Teacher Education in Biology  How would you describe your style? “I used to have a poetry album, in which my aunt wrote a poem: ‘One day you are a princess, the next day a pirate.’ I like ...

Buitenkant: ‘Ik jat uit de kast van mijn vriendin’

Marijn Joop (24)Derdejaars journalistiek Kleurrijke outfit! Waar scoor jij dit? “De blouse en het jasje zijn van de kringloop. Ik ga vaker naar de vrouwen- dan de mannenafdeling. Daar hangen veel leukere dingen. Ook jat ik redelijk vaak de ...

Outfits: ‘As a child, I thougth vampires were cool’

Mina van der Sluis (25)First-year Teacher Education in History student Bare legs! Isn’t that cold now? “I can’t handle winter clothes. When I see people in different layers of clothing, I think to myself: why don’t you melt? It& ...