Neftali Betancourt (27), student at the Windesheim course Dutch as a Second Language (NT2) What clothes are typically Neftali? “I like to wear corsets and long skirts. A corset gives your body definition and it looks stylish. I always ...
Sara Tilman (25) Senior student in Teacher Education in Biology How would you describe your style? “I used to have a poetry album, in which my aunt wrote a poem: ‘One day you are a princess, the next day a pirate.’ I like ...
Marijn Joop (24)Derdejaars journalistiek Kleurrijke outfit! Waar scoor jij dit? “De blouse en het jasje zijn van de kringloop. Ik ga vaker naar de vrouwen- dan de mannenafdeling. Daar hangen veel leukere dingen. Ook jat ik redelijk vaak de ...
Mina van der Sluis (25)First-year Teacher Education in History student Bare legs! Isn’t that cold now? “I can’t handle winter clothes. When I see people in different layers of clothing, I think to myself: why don’t you melt? It& ...