The Dutch are said to be insufficiently prepared for war and possible attacks. What do students think about the threat of war?

“Yes, of course I am prepared. The chance that, for example, the power goes out or drinking water is poisoned is always present. That is why I always have some extras in the house: food, water and cash. Many people are nonchalant about that, but I think they will be 1-0 behind. It is useful to be aware now, even if the threat sometimes seems far away.”
Joep, student Business Administration

“No, I am not prepared for a possible war. I don’t want war, but sometimes I think: what if it really happens? That is scary. How would we react? The situation in Russia and Ukraine and NATO are especially on my mind. That is close by. Because of my ADHD I cannot go without medication, so a call-up for the army would be difficult.”
Anke, student Minor Kunst en Creativiteit

“I’m really worried about that. I think I’m reasonably prepared, but I want to get more things in house for tough times. Rutte’s warning and the situation in America make me think. How strong are we as the West? I wonder if Trump will stay in NATO and continue to support us, because we need that.”
Daniel, student Communication

“No, I am not at all prepared for a possible war. The Netherlands has always been a neutral country, also in previous conflicts. The wars that are now taking place or could break out, probably do not make the Netherlands a direct victim. Maybe we will help. Russia-Ukraine, Palestine-Israel, or plans from America: I do not see the Netherlands getting involved in that. I am also not afraid that we will get infiltrated.”
Mark, student Business Administration

“No, I am not prepared for that and I do not think about it. A war still seems far away, so I try to keep it out of my mind. If I have to worry about that too, it will be too much for me. With a busy family, my studies and my eldest in her final year, I cannot handle that.”
Eva, student Teacher Education in Welfare and Health Care
text and photos: Indy Roozendal