More often early and late classes

  • The courses will schedule more classes at the ‘edges of the day’ coming semester.
  • This is a consequence of the shortage of classrooms due to the closing of the X building.

The management of the Zwolse education domains wrote about this to the teachers: ‘It is very likely that you will have to start earlier or work longer on a day. Or that we ask you one or more times that you change your work- and non-workdays.’
That already happens regularly, because there is no stretch in the recent schedule of period two, says the director of business management Pieter Dieckmann who coordinates the developments around the closure of the X building. “Luckily, teachers adopt a flexible attitude. If a rescheduling is necessary and the schedulers do not have a classroom to dodge to, then there is sought for a different solution. The schedule for period two was almost fixed when it became known that the X building had to be closed. That is why we have looked for rigorous solutions to create available classrooms in other buildings.”
Reservations for meetings and other non-lesson activities were canceled with the request to have those meetings in open study environments. Particularly the schedules of X building students have changed.
‘‘For the schedule of period three, which starts at the end of January, we have agreed to divide the burden better. We are going to use the edges of the day more, the first hour starting 8.30AM and the tenth hour until 6.30PM. And thus keeping more classrooms available for other activities.’’
The schedulers pay attention to not giving the students more than three hours in between lessons. Windesheim can, if necessary, place temporary units at campus. “We are researching whether there are enough study- and meeting places left at the moment. It is busy, but there seems to be enough room. Perhaps people can’t find the places in other buildings at times.”
A place has been found outside of campus for the education that falls under contract activities. That will probably move to the Koggelaan in Hanzeland. The teachers of contract activities will also receive their working place there at the start of December.
Dieckmann looks back at the last few weeks contently. “The tests and lessons could go on without too many problems. The move to the D building went smoothly and there has been made an extra issue point for catering.”
Since Tuesday Windesheim also offers free parking spots at De Bierton, at one kilometer distance from campus.
The recovery activities at the X building will probably start at the start of 2018. (EM)


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