Lübeckplein new location

Teaching rooms in apartment near Zwolle train station

  • Windesheim to open a new teaching location: BrainZ.
  • Courses to start halfway March

Students belonging to the honours college, applied gerontology and the honours programmes will be the first to receive courses in the office behind the station situated next to the dispatch office Maandag. Windesheim and the municipality of Zwolle are going to rent a space of seven hundred square metres. The landlord, City Developer-S, has started remodelling. They will also provide the reception and the oversight for the building.

The university of applied sciences will invest 100.000 euros into the new location. “BrainZ is primarily meant to be used as a work environment for projects that meet and connect with the city”, says real estate and facilities manager Dirk Pieter Halbesma. “This is where students can work together with the city, the province and entrepreneurs in the building, such as social neighbourhood teams, the Nieuwe Hanze Unie and the project Spoorzone”.

Two glass rooms will be placed inside the location which may be used as silent work rooms as well as a stage, a multifunctional classroom and a common hall. In the back façade, large windows are going to be placed to have the building stand out more on the way to the train station.

Health and social work employee, Robert Jansen has been named project coordinator for the new locations in Hanzeland. This is because Windesheim also wants to open a study location in the new library Stadkamer in the Zeven Alleetjes.

The honours college will be moving the semester programme Value Creators to the Lübeckplein, where third year students will create value and build networks around complex matters. Applied gerontology will be scheduling the projects in the LivingLab in BrainZ. The honours programmes Social Innovation and Intergenerational Collaboration will take place there as well. These will have talented seniors take part in company-issued assignments. Jansen is also speaking with other study programmes. Windesheim in September already opened a new teaching location: UitvindersZ, in the building HanZ situated at the Hanzeplein. There, three technical studies are using a floor of four hundred square meters. The goal of the teaching locations in Hanzeland is to connect the campus with business life. (EM)


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