Tag Archives: internship

‘Studying abroad: Immerse yourself in local customs’

Every year, more than six hundred students from Windesheim go abroad for a six-month study, internship or project. There are many things involved in the preparations. “Anyone who wants to go abroad in 2025 should start orientating now.” Jap ...

‘Doing nothing is not an option’

At Windesheim in Almere, more than half of the students experience discrimination during their internship, according to research conducted by Diversity and Inclusion advisor Hanan Nhass. Nursing teacher Anja van den Berg recognizes that ima ...

Minder stageplekken, en een onzekere toekomst

De coronamaatregelen zorgden ervoor dat tientallen verpleegkundestudenten gedwongen werden hun stage af te breken. De situatie is wat genormaliseerd, vertellen docenten Maria Bannink en Nicole Janmaat, maar er is een flink tekort aan stagep ...